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    those people who study the starts, tell us that long-long ago the earth and all the planets were part of the sun. The sun was then as it is now a mass of flaming matter, terribly hot. Somehow little bits of the sun got loose and they shot out into the air. But they could not wholly get rid of their father, the sun. It was as if a rope was tied to them and they kept whirling round the sun. This strange force, which I have compared to a rope, is something which attracts little things to great. It is the force which makes things fall by their weight. The earth being the biggest thing near us, attracts everything we have. In this way our earth also shot us from the sun. It must have been very hot. With terrible hot gases and air all around it, but as it was very much smaller than the sun, it started to cool. The sun also is getting less hot but is will take millions of years to cool down. The earth took much less time to cool.

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